Denpasar – After about ten days the Team carried out monitoring and inspection activities at the Kodam IX/Udayana unit, the Itjenad Wasrik Post Audit Team certainly received various findings, corrections and information about the condition of the IX/Udayana Kodam unit as an object of inspection.
This was conveyed by the Military Commander IX/Udayana Maj. Gen. Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., during the Post Audit Supervision and Inspection (Wasrik) Post Audit Briefing from the Inspectorate General of the Indonesian Army (Itjenad), on Wednesday (17/05/2023), at Rupatama Room Syafiudin Makodam IX/Udayana, Denpasar.

From the results of Wasrik’s findings to the Assistants, Commanders and Unit Heads respectively to immediately respond to the findings and corrections submitted by the Team, both administratively and in field performance, in order to minimize mistakes.
With these improvements, it is hoped that the implementation of the Work Program and Budget in the future will run more effectively, efficiently and accountably. “The conditions and problems found at the IX/Udayana Regional Military Command can be used as input for the Upper Command in determining further policies,” hoped the Military Commander.

To the Itjenad Wasrik Post Audit Team, the Military Commander conveyed if there were still things that needed to be further communicated with the object of inspection. “We are always ready to help and facilitate optimally so as to expedite the completion and improvement of the program,” he said.
On the same occasion, the Inspector General of the Indonesian Army (Irjenad) Lt. Gen. Richard T.H. Tampubolon represented by Quality Controller II Brigadier General Kokom, S.E., expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Regional Military Commander IX/Udayana and the staff officers who had worked together and provided the required data and provided information on the implementation of the work program and budget to the auditors, so that the Post Audit team can carry out supervision in accordance with a predetermined plan.

On the sidelines of the event, the inspection results obtained by the team were handed over, from the Quality Controller II, Brigadier General Kokom, S.E., to the Military Commander IX/Udayana.
Present at the event included Kasdam IX/Udayana, Irdam IX/Udayana, Kapok Sahli Pangdam IX/Udayana, Danrem 163/WSA, Asrendam IX/Udayana, Assistants to Kasdam IX/Udayana, Dan/Kabalak Kodam IX/Udayana and virtually followed by the Danrem 161/WS along with line units in the NTT region.
Redaksi Rosmiaty – Pendam IX/Ud